Society of American Indian Government Employees

Honoring Our Ancestors Through Government Service
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The members of the organization will act to Implement and support the purposes of the organization. These purposes are:

  •  To promote the recruitment, hiring, retention, development, and advancement of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the federal,  tribal, and other government workforce.
  •  To ensure equitable and fair treatment of American Indians and Alaska Natives in government departments and agencies by working to eliminate elements of racism in accordance with federal laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and internal policies.
  •  To assist governing entities in identifying issues and coordinating projects that affect American Indian and Alaska Native government employees.
  • To foster communication between American Indian or Alaska Native government employees and/or their employee associations, and management within the various government departments and agencies.
  • To assist SAIGE members in establishing SAIGE Chapters.
  • To be a resource for information on the Federal trust relationship and responsibilities of the federal government and its departments and agencies relevant to American Indian and Alaska Native people.
  •  To coordinate and develop training on American Indian and Alaska Native Issues and their relation to the federal government.

The name of this organization shall be Society of American Indian Government Employees (SAIGE).

SAIGE is a National non stock (non profit) corporation, incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia. SAIGE has tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.

The organization shall consist of an unlimited number of members. Application for membership shall be made using a completed membership application form accompanied by the appropriate SAIGE membership and Chapter fees. The membership classes and criteria for each are:

 Full Member– Any Federal, Tribal, state, or local government employee or retiree who supports the goals of SAIGE. This classification includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, temporary and contracted workers employed directly by a government agency for any period over 3 months during the current calendar year, as well as government retirees. Full members have the right to vote and hold a chapter or nationally elected office.

Student Member– Any student, 18 years of age or older, enrolled in an accredited institution of learning. Student members are eligible to vote.

Lifetime Member- Any government employee or retiree who supports the goals of SAIGE and who pays the lifetime membership fee. Lifetime members are accorded the rights of full members even if they leave government service.

Associate Member-Any Individual who supports the goals of SAIGE. .Associate members do not have voting privileges, nor can they serve on the Board of Directors.

Associate Lifetime Member – Any individual not employed by or retired from government, who supports the goals of SAIGE and pays the lifetime membership fee. Associate lifetime members do not have voting privileges, nor can they serve on the Board of Directors.

Tribal Government Member– Any tribal government that supports the goals of SAIGE. A Tribal government membership is entitled to one vote.

Non-Profit Organization Member – Any organization that has been designated as a non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service that supports the goals of SAIGE. This is a non-voting membership.

Members shall keep the organization informed of changes in their mailing and email addresses, phone number, employment status, and other applicable information so that contact with and representation of members is maintained.

Membership fees shall be submitted with the membership application form and are payable annually thereafter on the First of October of each following year, with the exception of Lifetime Memberships, which have a one-time fee. Membership fees are:
Full Membership- $25 per year
Student Membership – $15 per year
Lifetime Membership- $250 one-time payment
Tribal Government Membership- $1,000 for the first year; $500 per year thereafter
Associate Membership- $25 per year
Associate Lifetime Membership – $250 one-time payment
Non-Profit Organization Membership – $350 per year
Chapter Membership-This fee (if any) is determined by the individual chapter, but cannot exceed $10 per year per member. The Chapter fee is in addition to the SAIGE membership fee. Chapters are responsible for collecting and forwarding the SAIGE annual membership fee and member information to the SAIGE National Treasurer and for retaining and accounting for their respective Chapter fees.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers as well as Directors at Large, until such time that it is determined by the Board that there is adequate membership for representation from every Individual region. Each Officer and Director shall have an equal voice and vote. Board members are expected to perform their duties as outlined in the Operating Procedures.

The Officers of the organization shall represent the members at large and shall be elected by qualified members as defined above. The titles and responsibilities of the officers are:

Chairperson “Chair” – Presides over meetings of the Board. Prepares and administers  meeting agendas. Serves as the primary spokesperson and is the official signatory for the Board and the organization.
Vice-chairperson “Vice Chair“- Presides over Board meetings and performs functions of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. Oversees planning and implementation of the annual training program.
Secretary– Maintains the records and files of the organization. Creates and maintains the membership, media, and sponsor lists. Records the minutes of each Board meeting and distributes the minutes to the Board.
Treasurer-Oversees receipt, deposits, and disbursement of monies of the organization  and maintains a financial record of all transactions. Reports the financial status of the organization at each Board meeting. Oversees an annual audit of the organization’s finances and prepares an annual financial report. Oversees the organization’s tax preparation and processes the returns as required by the Internal Revenue Service.

Directors at Large
Each Director shall be elected by the membership-at-large. Each Director shall represent all SAIGE members, participate in Board meetings and serve on a minimum of two committees.

Term Limit
The Board of Directors, including its Officers, shall be elected for two-year terms. An Officer may be elected to serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same Officer position. If no qualified person is nominated to serve in that position, then the Officer may continue to serve an additional term. A Director may be elected to another position without an absence.

Failure to Serve
Each Director is expected to perform their duties as required in the organization’s written operating procedures and as required by their title and responsibilities.

Standard Operating Procedures for the Board of Directors are reviewed annually by the Directors. Modification requires a majority vote of the Directors.

Elections for the Board to Directors shall be conducted by e-mail and mail-in national balloting each December with nominations accepted in November.

The Board of Directors shall establish committees to assist in the administration of Board responsibilities and shall appoint the members of the committees. At least one Director shall serve on each committee and report the committee activity to the Board at each scheduled meeting. Each committee shall propose a Scope of Work that shall be approved by majority vote of the Directors prior to its implementation.

The Board of Directors may establish Programs such as Warrior Society, Youth Program, Training Program, Chapters and others to benefit the needs of the organization and its members.

The Board of Directors by majority vote may modify the Bylaws of the organization as needed to improve the operation of organization or to address issues which arise over the course of time.

Should the organization become unable to function through neglect or for other reasons, Directors present at a regular Board meeting may vote to dissolve the organization.  A quorum is not required and a majority vote of those Directors attending shall carry the decision. Excess funds and other possessions of the organization, other than private and confidential records of the organization, shall be donated to one or more American Indian and Alaska Native 501(c)(3) organization[s) to be determined at the final board meeting. Sufficient funds shall be retained to pay any outstanding debts of the organization, notify current members of the dissolution of the organization, and pay a storage facility so that the remaining records of the organization shall be stored and preserved for a period of lime as required by law, but no less than three years. The records may be destroyed after that time.

Finalized September 10, 2001

Modified and Approved by the Board of Directors
July 12, 2018

Secretary, Phillip Hamel

Chair, Fredericka Joseph


Contact Us


Mailing Address:
17706 N. Peoria
Skiatook, OK 74070

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