SAIGE welcomes donations from people or groups who support our mission. To make donation to SAIGE, please Click Here. This will take you to our Paypal page where you can use your credit card or Paypal account for a one-time or recurring donation.
SAIGE Memberships are Full, Associate, Lifetime, Associate Lifetime, and Student member. We offer group memberships for Non-Profit Organizations and Tribes. Please review the categories below and decide which one is appropriate for you.
Then click HERE for the Membership form to fill out. When submitted, you will receive an invoice at the email address you give to pay for your membership. (If the link doesn’t work for you, copy and paste this into your browser: )
If you have any questions or issues with the process contact our Secretary at Thank you for your support!
Membership categories are:
NOTE: All membership prices – except Lifetime and Associate Lifetime – are for one year. Memberships run from October to the following October. Members shall keep the organization informed of changes in their mailing and email addresses, phone number, employment status, and other applicable information so that contact with and representation of members is maintained. Provide any updates to our Secretary at .
I prefer to mail in my check with my membership application.
Download Form Here (.pdf file)